Jual Casing iPhone X Luxury Electroplated Armor Case

Luxury Electroplated Armor Case iPhone X

Harga Spesial Rp 165.000 (Belum Ongkir)

Membuat iPhone Anda Semakin Terlindungi dan Aman

Keunggulan Luxury Electroplated Armor Case iPhone X

Casing yang slim, elegan dan stylist

List chrome bagian atas dan bawah bisa dilepas

Dengan desain yang baru, mengcover dan melindungi semua sisi

Bahan Polikarbonat berkualitas tinggi (Hardcase). Halus, lembut, dan sangat presisi

Tersedia 5 Warna Pilihan, Mana Favorit Anda?

GU JIANG Luxury Full Cover 3 in 1 Phone Bag for iPhone X Hard PC Electronic Red with hole
GU JIANG Luxury Full Cover 3 in 1 Phone Bag for iPhone X Hard PC Electronic Blue with hole
GU JIANG Luxury Full Cover 3 in 1 Phone Bag for iPhone X Hard PC Electronic Black with hole
GU JIANG Luxury Full Cover 3 in 1 Phone Bag for iPhone X Hard PC Electronic Pink with hole
GU JIANG Luxury Full Cover 3 in 1 Phone Bag for iPhone X Hard PC Electronic Gold with hole

Testimoni Pelanggan

Testimoni iPhone X compressor
Testimoni iPhone X 3 compressor
Testimoni iPhone X 2 compressor

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